Allen County Historic Sites

Journey through time and discover the sites, landmarks, and people that made their mark on Fort Wayne history. Listen to the stories of these locations and compare historic photos with the modern scene before you. Explore more than 75 locations with this free mobile pass!

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ARCH Fort WayneNew Haven Chamber of Commerce


Soundwalk Audio Tours

At That Time

The At That Time: Fort Wayne Urban League SoundWalk Project is an audio documentary/oral history…

Fairfield Corridor

This is a historic walking tour of the Fairfield Corridor. Walk on the sidewalks of the street and…

McCulloch Park

This is adaptive music composed by Metavari that scores your movement through McCulloch Park. This…

Voices of the Myaamiaki

This SoundWalk is an experience created with George Ironstrack of the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma to…

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